COFFEE Montage

Coffee Montage is an assemblage of small individually painted works of coffee pigment, gesso, acrylic, and paper collage on wood board in various sizes and depths. Together they create a larger composition. Childhood memories of fresh coffee inspire it brewed many times a day, celebrating mundane moments of growing up in Brazil. It alludes to a collection of memories, a narrative presented through abstraction.

Will you stay for a while?

Coffee in Brazil is taken in smaller doses. When compared to the American culture, our “cafezinho" is comparable to Cuban or Turkish coffees. Brazil coffee is strong, smooth, steaming hot, and served with sugar or black. We brew coffee various times daily, but mostly at breakfast, after lunch, mid-afternoon, and after dinner.

Coffee is associated with social interactions, business transactions and much more. Coffee is part of our lives. Coffee has a strong aroma that fills in the kitchen when brewed and brings back memories. Coffee is how you get going with life, welcome someone into your home, how to finish a meal, or how to start your day. For me, coffee is also how I paint memories.




Pitocos (pee-toh-kos)